The environmental management of the public lighting service of the municipality of Hermosillo, Sonora. The international standards ISO 14001: 20015 and ISO 14004: 2004


  • Gustavo de Jesús Bravo Castillo University of Sonora image/svg+xml
  • Arturo Ordaz Álvarez University of Sonora image/svg+xml
  • Cecilia de María Gautrin Rubio



Environmental Management, ISO 14001: 20015 and ISO 14004: 2004, Sustainable Development, Governance and Public Policies


This worj analyzed the current situation of the environmental management of the Public Lighting Service of the municipality of Hermosillo,Sonora,countingasaframeofreferencetheInternationalStandardsISO14001:20015andISO14004:2004 of the International Organization for Standardization. It is an investigation that was presented as a Scientific Article, which is part of the requirements of the Postdoctoral Program on Public Policies for Sustainability and Development of the International Academy of Political-Administrative Sciences and Future Studies, A.C. Its methodology was of a descriptive- qualitative type, whose procedure was to apply the requirements of the chapters of the ISO 14001: 2015 Standard, which as a minimum must comply with an Environmental Management System; while the ISO 14004: 2004 Standard complements the ISO 14001 in order to support, implement and improve an environmental management system. This paper analyzed the Environmental management is approached as an interactive and cooperative process, hence governance, the active participation of civil society and public policies are considered and, therefore, it is a triple-result system : social, cultural and environmental. The conceptual bases related to the environment and sustainable development were presented. A description of the ISO 14001 and 1400 Standards and a synthesis of the paradigms of environmental management. An exhibition is made of the environmental management of the General Directorate of the Public Lighting Service, from its legal regulations, administrative organization, the opinion that society has about this municipal service, what is jnown and what is proposed about the environment environment of the municipality of Hermosillo and from here to move from the proactive to the prospective with the aim of continuous improvement of the environmental exercise and the environmental management system of this para-municipal entity. An Initial Environmental Verification was carried out in order to identify compliance or not with the requirements established by the ISO 14001: 2015 Standard and its results were subjected to an analysis from which a set of improvement proposals was derived regarding its organizational context, leadership, planning, support, operation and quality. Lijewise, the analysis of the results allowed to draw up a series of conclusions about the importance of active participation as the main foundation of modern environmental governance, of having a Strategic Prospective Environmental Plan, which serves as a frame of reference, together with the International Standards ISO 14001 and 14004, for the design, implementation and improvement of the Environmental Management System of the future Energy and Climate Change Agency that will become the General Directorate of the Public Lighting Service of Hermosillo,Sonora.


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How to Cite

Bravo Castillo, G. de J., Ordaz Álvarez, A., & Gautrin Rubio, C. de M. (2022). The environmental management of the public lighting service of the municipality of Hermosillo, Sonora. The international standards ISO 14001: 20015 and ISO 14004: 2004. Nau Yuumak Avances De Investigación En Organizaciones Y Gestión, 1(1), 85–90.



Reportes de investigación
