Historical indebtedness level 2007-2016 of the 72 municipalities of the state of Sonora, Mexico
Public debt, municipalities, financingAbstract
In recent years, public debt has increased excessively, this is because our rulers have resorted to financial instruments to cover public spending. In this study, the 72 municipalities of the State of Sonora are analyzed with a projection from 2007 to 2016, an analysis is carried out in the municipal public accounts to determine the level of indebtedness and the possible causes that could affect the increase in public debt, with the objective of establishing and promoting financial structures that allow the State of Sonora to have better economic conditions and thus improve its Public Finances to optimize the use of financial resources captured by the State public sector, through credit. Highlighting some issues that we consider important, essential, relative and the most representative public debt crises that have been an obstacle to the development of the State of Sonora, to which must be added the cost of stabilization policies on social welfare. From this perspective, we will start with the consequent aspects or categories of public debt that have had a slow development, as far as secondary legislation is concerned, despite the importance, complex nature and sensitive repercussions that the State's social financing operations and of the country, which for a long time required specific secondary legal treatment and not only at the federal level, but also at the state and municipal level. We will also mention the different most important applicable legal provisions of the state and federal public debt.
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