Perception of sustainable accounting management
accounting, sustainability, managemenAbstract
In the context of the complexity of business models and their relationship with society and nature, the recognition of the effects of business activities on sustainability and environmental balance is discussed. In such a way, that the problem to attend in business is the rationality of decisions to transform their capacity and control their environmental impacts, and social and production conditions. This paper reviews the implications of accounting as a science of management and sustainability, reviewing the international proposals for ESG management and accounting accounting standards of accounting management, based on the theories of the firm and resources and capacities, contrasting with a Field study of accounting professionals. The research question is the emerging accounting management perceives sustainability as a feasible proposal? For which a field study between advisors and accounting professionals was applied, confronting the result vs. the theoretical proposals indicated, using a descriptive methodology. The conclusion is the inconsistency and misunderstanding of sustainability for accounting management.
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