The impact of SDG 3 on the reduction of psychosocial factors in SMEs in Hermosillo, Sonora.
Occupational Health, Psychosocial Risk Factors, Sustainable Development GoalsAbstract
The health and productivity of a company are strongly linked for obvious reasons: healthy people have better job performance; Good health is one of the main factors to reduce absenteeism, it also generates older people and a better disposition to carry out activities. These conditions were drastically altered during the SARS-Cov2 Coronavirus pandemic. The objective is to evaluate the degree of compliance with Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 3) in SME’s in Hermosillo, Sonora, and how it impacts the reduction of psychosocial factors in the new work models emerging due to the health contingency. The study was descriptive and exploratory with a cross-sectional and correlational design, with a simple random probabilistic sample of 213 SME’s, to which a measurement instrument was applied to evaluate the degree of compliance with SDG 3 based on the psychosocial factors. The results indicate that there is a decrease in psychosocial factors in 41.7% and a moderately strong positive correlation between the variables of 61.5%. It is concluded that the business sector is collaborating proactively in achieving the SDGs towards achieving the 2030 Agenda.
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