Digital transformation and electronic commerce: impact on the sustainable development of organizations in Mexico



digital transformation, organizations, sustainable


The research refers to organizations and their interconnection to the global economy through digital transformation and electronic commerce to achieve long-term sustainable development, which contributes to the political, economic, and social development of Mexico. Descriptive exploratory research is carried out through documentary research to identify the opportunities and threats that may exist in the field of the global economy to be sustainable over time in the analysis of the new economy through the review and presentation of data contained in writings of various types, constituting a scientific and systematic procedure of inquiry, organization, interpretation. Its purpose is to describe how digital transformation and electronic commerce affect through documentary analysis from the perspective of the new globalized economy, electronic commerce, identify opportunities and threats to be sustainable in a digital economy in organizations; analyzed the degree of digital maturity of organizations in the new economy as well as identify the methods to evaluate sustainable development to make recommendations so that with their implementation they affect the sustainable development of organizations in Mexico. It was concluded that digital transformation and electronic commerce amplify the dynamic capabilities of organizations, contribute to facilitate financial transactions, improve performance, growth, and expansion processes. In addition to the application of big data analysis and artificial intelligence systems, it helps not only to perceive and predict changes in the environment, but also to analyze customer needs for the development of innovation strategies to add value to products. and services that provide or, development of new products, to be sustainable in the long term of organizations in Mexico. It is recognized that the study method used does not provide a sufficient basis to make generalizations from the findings. However, the qualitative approach adopted provides a first in-depth look at the strategies to achieve proper implementation. That allows the development of organizations in Mexico.


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How to Cite

Félix Armenta, B. G., Lee Estrella, G. G., & Campoy Barreras, R. H. (2022). Digital transformation and electronic commerce: impact on the sustainable development of organizations in Mexico. Nau Yuumak Avances De Investigación En Organizaciones Y Gestión, 1(1), 43–55. Retrieved from





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