Information For Readers
The journal Nau Yuumak Avances de Investigación en Organizaciones y Gestión is a scientific electronic publication, issued biannually by the Department of Accounting at the University of Sonora. This journal aims to disseminate knowledge from the disciplinary areas of socials, economics, administration, accounting, and related fields arising from national and international academic research and collaborations.
Each article in Nau Yuumak Avances de Investigación en Organizaciones y Gestión undergoes blind peer review by subject matter specialists and is reviewed using plagiarism and AI detectors. Through these processes, we aim to publish solid and well-founded research that reflects reality, its complexities, and its transformations, with a focus on Open Science. Therefore, all issues of the journal are freely and openly available in the Publications section of this site.
The journal is fully funded by the Disciplinary Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences of the Department of Accounting at the University of Sonora. It is promoted through the RAGO network (Interinstitutional Interdisciplinary Network of Administration and Management in Organizations, or RAGO, by its initials in Spanish), a Mexican academic and research network established in 2006. The journal does not receive sponsorships, does not accept advertising, and does not charge any fees for its publication processes.