Focus and Scope

The journal Nau Yuumak Avances de Investigación en Organizaciones y Gestión is a biannual electronic publication, available in Spanish and English. Its mission is to disseminate knowledge derived from national and international academic research and collaborations across areas of social, economic, administrative, accounting and related fields. The journal welcomes contributions from researchers, academics, undergraduate or graduate students, as well as any interested individuals.

The term “nau yuumak” originates from the Yaqui language, spoken by the Yaqui people of Sonora, Mexico. It means “to gather, to unite”. This name was chosen for the journal for its strength and presence, and as a recognition of the identity of the tribes that make up the Yaqui people. In this sense, the journal takes its meaning to reflect its interest in promoting the development of knowledge gathered by public and private organizations, mirrored by its name as well, in Advances in Research in Organizations and Management.

The thematic areas of Nau Yuumak Avances de Investigación en Organizaciones y Gestión are:

  • Administrative sciences
  • Economic Science
  • Accounting sciences
  • Related areas

For detailed publication guidelines, please refer to this link.

The journal is promoted through the RAGO network (Interinstitutional Interdisciplinary Network of Administration and Managment in Organizations, or RAGO, by its initials in Spanish), a Mexican academic and research network established in 2006.It is comprised of eight academic bodies, a graduate program and an international research group, as detailed in the chart about Research groups that conform the RAGO network:

Chart 1. Research teams from RAGO network (June 2022)

Academic Group



Accounting, Management and Auditing


University of Sonora, Mexico

Management of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises


Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, Mexico

New tendencies on financial information


Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí, Mexico

Engineering and Teaching


Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí, Mexico

Innovation and Management in Organizations


Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí, Mexico

Processes of Change and Development in Institutions


Juárez University of Durango State. México

Teaching, learning and knowledge administration


Instituto Tecnológico de San Luis Potosí: México

Studies for Regional and Organization’s Development


Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí. Multidisciplinary Academic Unit, central zone. Mexico

Masters in Strategic Planning and Innovation

Postgraduate program

Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí, Mexico.

Quantitative and Computer Finances

Research Group

University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.

The journal Nau Yuumak Avances de Investigación en Organizaciones y Gestión is finnancially supported by the Disciplinary Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Department of Accounting, at the University of Sonora. The journal operates without sponsorship or commercial advertising, and imposes no charges nor fees for receiving, evaluating, rejecting, approving, editing, or publishing articles.

All submissions to Nau Yuumak Avances de Investigación en Organizaciones y Gestión undergo rigorous evaluation by specialists using a double-blind peer review process, with feedback and direct authorization from the authors. Published articles are available in PDF and EPUB formats and are protected under a Creative Commons license.