Descriptive analysis of motivation in a public institution of the health sector in San Luis Potosí


  • Fátima Guadalupe Guevara Campos Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí image/svg+xml
  • Adriana Eugenia Ramos Ávila Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí image/svg+xml
  • Mario Alberto Martínez Rojas Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí image/svg+xml



Motivating factors, Public Institution, Health Sector


In the present work, the factors of affiliation, personal relationships, recognition and training as elements of motivation were studied through a descriptive analysis, in order to identify the factors that predominate according to the characteristics of the workers on a public institution of the health sector in San Luis Potosí. Finding that training and affiliation factors predominate, due to the fact that most people have an indefinite contract; however, strategies must be established to improve the conditions that promote the factors of personal relationships and recognition, in order that the staff feel more motivated within the organization.


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How to Cite

Guevara Campos, F. G., Ramos Ávila, A. E., & Martínez Rojas, M. A. (2022). Descriptive analysis of motivation in a public institution of the health sector in San Luis Potosí. Nau Yuumak Avances De Investigación En Organizaciones Y Gestión, 1(1), 110–112.



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