Sustainable development report of a Public Institution of Higher Education




Sustainability, reports, Public Institution of Higher Education


In recent years, economic changes are required in order to generate wealth, since today's systems commonly focus on increasing production, and with it, on the overexploitation of resources, thereby generating ecological problems that derived from economic development, which is why there is a need to introduce environmental protection measures in the economic model based on sustainable development in order to reconcile economic, environmental and social activities, in order to sustain the development of a society that seeks to improve the standards of living and well-being of the community. However, the problem therefore generated by the lack of organizational programs that reduce the effect of overexploitation of the environment must be supported by public institutions of higher education, thus raising the research question in order to know if it is possible develop a report on the sustainable development of a Public Institution of Higher Education? In this way, the objective of the present investigation is to propose a Sustainable Development Report of a Public Institution of Higher Education. The importance of this research lies because the university is a generator of knowledge and a wide space for teaching and research, whose effect on society is imminent, but implies having greater responsibility for which it is necessary to integrate these aspects in common activities.


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How to Cite

Hernández García, P., Hernández García, V., & Zárate Loyola, M. de los Ángeles. (2023). Sustainable development report of a Public Institution of Higher Education. Nau Yuumak Avances De Investigación En Organizaciones Y Gestión, 2(3), 61–72.



Reportes de investigación
