Water footprint analysis in a car wash company in the city of Durango, Mexico


  • Norma Guadalupe Arce Quiñones Juarez University of the State of Durango image/svg+xml
  • Hortensia Hernández Vela Juarez University of the State of Durango image/svg+xml


car wash, water footprint, micro companies, sustainability


Water is considered an essential resource in the economy and life of any country, due to its different uses and management, it has become an appreciated resource that becomes scarce over time, despite its renewable nature, hence the importance of take care of it and manage it properly. This study seeks to raise awareness in companies, especially MSMEs that add up to more than 90% in Mexico, and that represent 2% of water consumption together with energy generation (self-sufficient industry). To achieve this objective, the calculation of the water footprint was carried out in a small company whose line of business is vehicle washing located in the city of Durango, in Mexico, in the period December to January 2020. The results obtained show that its direct water footprint is 1,415 m3, while its indirect footprint (energy generation) is 211.94 m3, so the water footprint is 1,627 m3. It is also observed that the highest consumption (978 m3) is generated in the washing stage of the process, representing 69% of direct water consumption, when translating these numbers into money it currently represents more than $100,000 per year for the company. These figures are expected to clearly show the importance of generating and implementing projects in the short term that reduce the water footprint and at the same time allow them to reduce costs, which would increase their efficiency and contribute to the conservation of the environment.


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How to Cite

Arce Quiñones, N. G., & Hernández Vela, H. (2022). Water footprint analysis in a car wash company in the city of Durango, Mexico. Nau Yuumak Avances De Investigación En Organizaciones Y Gestión, 1(1), 129–133. Retrieved from https://nau.unison.mx/index.php/nau/article/view/20





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